Tobi Troendle

Jul 3, 2023

Let's make it official

Starting from September, I will build a new digital product every week for one year. Sounds crazy to you? To me aswell.

So the obvious question is, why would anybody do this?

In the past I was always thinking about digital products.

The issue: I never created anything.

Not enough time, no audience, no credibility, I know all the excuses, because I gave them to myself. But I also didn't create any digital product.

Then, early 2019 I finally got a push of motivation and I gave this idea a try. I sat down for 2 weeks and created a little course for Udemy. The subject was, a tool I loved using at that time (and I still do!)

The 2 weeks were no walk in the park but at the same time the process was also pretty straight forward. After I made a structure for the course and did some research on my audience it was time to get the camera rolling (Screencasts only!) and I filmed approx. 1.5h of content.

After uploading everything to Udemy the wait began - but it didn't last long. I still remember this moment when I was walking down a street to my next meeting and a pop-up notification showed up on my phone: "You've made a sale!" The feeling I got from this notification was truly special. It was not about the 4 Dollars I earned but it rather felt like a door to a new world was opening up.

Fast forward to today

By now, my course has attracted over 2.2k students on Udemy and Skillshare, has brought me podcast appearances and consulting gigs and I have earned over 6k from this little digital product. Sure, this is far away from what Mr. Beast makes with every video, but imagine for yourself having some additional money coming in every month - not to bad is it?

Even though I would consider this course a full success I got caught up in other topics throughout the last years. Yes, I got lazy. Even though it is not to hard. This bugs me all the time! And this is also the reason, why I decided to launch The Year Of Product.

I want to make this topic a top priority for the next year and share all my learnings along the way. Because I am convinced, that if I can create a digital product you can definitely do it too!

I created a little trailer for this project to kick things off:

So let's embark on this journey together and explore how to create all kinds of digital products. Which ones exactly? This will be the topic for the next issue, stay tuned and make sure to subscribe to the newsletter to get all the tips, tricks and learnings directly into your inbox.

Let's do this!

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Follow the journey

Every Friday, you'll get 1 actionable tip to build, launch and monetize a digital product.

1 email every Friday. Unsubscribe any time.